Seattle European-American Air Forum

Become a sponsor of our first Seattle European-American Air Forum!

As a sponsor of this premiere industry event featuring top level aerospace industry experts, you will gain wide visibility with a large influential community and receive exclusive perks such as event tickets and reserved tables. Sponsoring companies will enjoy opportunities to speak at the podium, have their brands displayed in conference materials and website, and showcase their businesses with pop up displays at the event. We thank you in advance for your support. 

Information will be updated and shared on our dedicated SEAAF website: as well as the FACC-PNW Facebook page:

Sponsorship Form

Sponsorship Levels
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Rocket Sponsorship
1 Remaining

-Recognition as the premier sponsor
-Opportunity to provide remarks during the opening session of the conference
-Reserved premium table for 8 with company logo displayed
-8 complimentary registrations
-Full-page color ad in conference program
-Bring a pop up display (i.e. kakemono) to showcase  your company at the event
-Company logo displayed on SEAAF website, program, and event projection screens
-Promotion of your company name, logo, and website on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter

Jetliner Sponsorship $0.00

-Reserved premium table for 8 with company logo displayed
-8 complimentary registrations
-Full page color ad in conference program
-Bring a pop up display (i.e. kakemono) to showcase  your company at the event
-Company logo displayed on SEAAF website, program, and event projection screens
-Promotion of your company name, logo, and website on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter

Satellite Sponsorship $0.00

-4 complimentary registrations
-Half-page black and white ad in conference program
-Company logo displayed on SEAAF website, program, and event projection screens
-Promotion of your company name, logo, and website on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter

Helicopter Sponsorship $0.00

-2 complimentary registrations
-Quarter-page black and white ad in conference program
-Company logo displayed on SEAAF website and program
-Promotion of your company name, logo, and website on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter

Glider Sponsorship $0.00

-1 complimentary registration
-Company logo displayed on SEAAF website and program
-Promotion of your company name, logo, and website on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter

Promotional Opportunities
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Full Page Ad $0.00

Half Page Ad $0.00

Quarter Page Ad $0.00